API dokumentācija

Automate your shipments using our Shippment API

Sender.lv offers a comprehensive suite of APIs designed to streamline and optimize shipping and logistics processes. These APIs enable businesses to manage shipments efficiently by providing access to a variety of services and shipping features.

Key functionalities include:

  • Get Available Countries / Destinations: Retrieve a list of countries where Sender.lv offers shipping services, ensuring coverage and availability for international shipments.
  • Get Rates & Delivery Options: Obtain shipping rates and delivery options for specific destinations, allowing businesses to compare and select the best options for their needs.
  • Order: Address -> Address: Create and manage orders for shipments from one physical address to another, ideal for standard door-to-door deliveries.
  • Order: Address -> Parcel Locker: Facilitate shipments from a physical address to a parcel locker, providing convenient delivery options for recipients.
  • Order: Parcel Locker -> Address: Enable shipments from a parcel locker to a physical address, adding flexibility in delivery and pickup locations.
  • Order: Between Parcel Lockers: Arrange shipments between parcel lockers, offering a secure and convenient method for package transfers.
  • Get Order by Reference: Retrieve detailed information about a specific order using its reference number, ensuring easy tracking and management.
  • Get Orders List: Access a list of all orders, allowing for comprehensive tracking and oversight of shipping activities.

These APIs provide businesses with robust tools to manage their logistics operations efficiently, ensuring smooth and reliable shipping experiences for their customers.

Some other great features include:

  • Retrieve Available Pick-Up Dates and Times for Each Carrier: No more guessing—simply select the most suitable pickup time option from the provided list.
  • Get Closest Parcel Lockers for Each Address: The API automatically identifies the top 10 closest parcel lockers for a destination, eliminating the need to manually search or overwhelm clients with a full list.
  • Get Shipping Labels via Callback URL: Once your order is processed, shipping labels are sent directly to your callback URL. This highly requested feature helps avoid long server response times and eliminates the need for manual/repetitive requests to get updates.

Getting Started with Sender API

Before you can begin interacting with Sender API, you first need to create a Sender.lv account and request API KEY from our team. 

  • Create an account on our shipping portal https://new.sender.lv.
  • Being logged in request sandbox API KEY from our team using contact form.
  • Register on our Developer Portal: https://dev.shipmentapi.com
  • On Developer portal connect your Sender.lv sandbox:  Account -> My Sandboxes (right top corner menu).
  • Test API requests live and learn various API scenarious here in one place: API Reference.
  • After completing the sandbox tests, request for the Production API key.
  • Send parcels with sender.lv API.

How to create an account on Sender.lv ?

Please visit https://new.sender.lv/en/client/login, click on Register, and complete the registration process using your email and phone number.

You have the option to register as either a private or business client by filling out the form.

How to request sandbox API KEY ?

Once you have set up your account at https://new.sender.lv, you can proceed to request your API Test KEY.

While logged into new.sender.lv, navigate to https://new.sender.lv/en/support
and use the contact form, selecting "API Integration" as the subject.
In the message field, simply request your key by writing a brief note,
such as "Please provide a TEST API KEY for testing your API."

We will reply to your registered email with your TEST API key within one day.

What are the API Client requirments ?

Sender.lv takes your and your customer's security seriously. Therefore, before interacting with our API, please check if your client supports the protocols and security features we require.

  • Certificate. Our certificate is signed by Google Trust Services. Most operating systems and clients have built-in support for automatically verifying these certificates. In case yours doesn't, you can add the Google Trust Root Certificate to your list of trusted Certificate Authorities (CA). Please note that our API's server certificate is rotated regularly and it is therefore not recommended to pin our certificate instead.
  • HTTP version. The Sender API supports both HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2. HTTP/3 is not (yet) supported. HTTP/1.0 is not supported.
  • GET requests that include a body. The Sender API does not support GET requests that include a body, you will get 403 (Forbidden).
  • IP Version. Currently our API is only available using IPv4.

Do you have API rate limits?

To ensure fair usage, prevent system overloading, and protect API resources, our API has default rate limits that limit the number of requests that can be made within a specific time frame. Rate limits are specified in the following format:

  • Safe requests (GET): 60 requests per minute.  
  • If there are more than 60 requests, a 1-minute ban will be imposed.

Please request change rate limits if you require more.

How to test sender API Live ?

Once you have set up your account at https://new.sender.lv, and got your API Test KEY you can  Connect your Sender.lv test account here in Account-> My Sandboxes (right top corner menu).

Click Add Sanbox
 button and specify:

  • Title- This is your internal name for the sandbox, allowing you to differentiate between multiple sandboxes in the future if necessary
  • X-Api-key - This is the API key you have obtained from our team.
  • Default- Indicate whether this is currently your primary sandbox for testing. You have the ability to add several Sandboxes and toggle between them.

After, procced to API Reference section:

  • On the left menu select a section and read the documentation.
  • Press the PLAY button in each section to send predefined API requests and view live responses from our  server.

P.S. Test API requests won't create actual orders but are designed to simulate real orders, allowing you to experience the system's functionality. 

How to authenticate API requests?

Before you can begin interacting with Sender API, you first need to create a Sender.lv account and request API KEY from our team.

  • Once you obtained sandbox/production API key,  include x-api-keyheader value.
  • Here's an example using curl to authenticate a request to the Sender API:

curl --location 'https://api.sender.lv/api/sandbox/v1/orders' \

--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'x-api-key: 239uw87yhuih87sdf'

How to get production API KEY ?

Once you have completed your testing, you can proceed to request your LIVE API  KEY.

While logged into https://new.sender.lv, navigate to https://new.sender.lv/en/support
and use the contact form, selecting "API Integration" as the subject.

In the message field, simply request your key by writing a brief note,
such as "We've completed the testing, please provide a PRIMARY API KEY for our production account."

We will reply to your registered email with your PRIMARY API key within one day.

Need a little help ?

We're here to support you with any questions you might have about our APIs, or otherwise.